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Company Branding

Company branding is very important for an enterprise, which is a vital indicator for predicting the life span of an enterprise. When people taste a yummy food product that has been stripped of its packaging in parties or ceremonies, which people dont' t know what brand it is from, that will be so regrettable for a brand. So printing edible logo on food surfaces is a kind of food decoration and also a continuation of brand impression.


Edible ink is a variety of colors, can fully restore colorful photos on the food, the effect is much better than the traditional handcrafted decoration or stamp effect.  In addition, food printers are automated and do not have to be stamped one by one. The machine can automatically scan back and forth to print different patterns, can meet the mass production needs, and can realize the pattern customization, suitable for different customer needs.

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Add: #1907, 9th Guanggu Headquarters International Building, No. 62 Guanggu Ave., Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430000, China.
Copyright  2022 Wuhan Food Printing Technology Co., Ltd.              Hubei ICP No.18029968-1